This is the supplemental blog for GATEWALKER, a contemporary fantasy serial written by Joey Cruz.

Click on the cover image to the right to read it on!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Welcome to the inaugural post of the Gatewalker Bonus Features blog!

In short, this will be the Special Features DVD to JukePop Serials' Feature disc.

If I'm doing my job right, Gatewalker should be updated on JukePop with a new chapter every other week -- and that's in writing now! You can hold me to that! Over hot coals if need be!

With each new update there will be a corresponding blog post HERE discussing the stuff behind the stuff. Relevant background tidbits, thoughts about the story itself, info about the locations where the story takes place (I grew up in NYC, so many of the places I'm writing about, I've been to) (except for chapter 2... heh!).

I'll also be cluing you in on the music that inspired the story, scenes, and characters. (Music is a huge -- HUGE -- part of my life and fuels most of my creative endeavors, so I expect it will be a large part of this blog.) And if technology does what technology is supposed to, there will eventually be an Amazon box to the right that will showcase whatever albums I've spoken about so you can click on it to buy them and then Amazon will give me money and happiness will rain from the heavens. 

But that's not working right now.


It's also my hope that, as time wears on, I'll be able to post up some interviews with other JukePop authors. Why not cross-pollinate? We're all in this together, right? Like gladiators!

oh wait, those dudes killed each other... 

ANYway, there's one more thing I'll add before wrapping this post up, and that is a special thanks to the amazing Kerry Ellis, who came to my rescue when I desperately needed a book cover on launch day. If you scanned the front page of, saw the Gatewalker cover art and said, "That looks frikkin awesome..." it's all Kerry's fault. She also designed the kickass title banner at the top of this very blog. Ridiculous, right?

You'll find her BRIGHT RED business logo in the sidebar -- please take a look. If you're in need of an editor or book designer, look no further. She's also a talented writer and photographer. And she worked for NASA. There are no ends to her awesomeness. Go see for yourself.

Okay! Bonus blog away.

We will see you again... soon!

1 comment:

  1. I saw "no comments" and just really had to fix that for you...

    Congrats again, Joey, on getting your prose back out there. I'm so, so excited to read it! And to get some sneak peeks on goings-on in between.

    Thank you so much for the shout-out. Happy to help and support all my writerly friends. :)

    Now get that next chapter done!
